I found this website some years ago, before purchasing my Festo device. Recently I stumbled again on this link. In the 6100 PDFs there are poor b&w photos of an Intercept Jr and/or Intercept I/II but I think I never found an Intercept III. And I think I never found this by a Google search.
Next to the great photo there are also some (new) PDF manuals on the left. The Intercept III has a control panel although the chip works without one.
There’s also a dump/ listing of the ROM in the PDFs. There’s very few 6100 code on the web.
Interesting is the vector address at 7777.
7777 5776 JMP I 7776
7776 7400 Start
7400 …
The start address is not the vector itself but at 7777 is an instruction, an indexed jump to 7776 and there’s the start vector, which is 7400. So the start is there and not at 5776.
I found it elsewehere, I think in the DecMate II disassembly. I wonder when the vector is at 7777 and when that is used as instruction. Maybe just for JMP and I think for two’s complement negative jump values like 7775. I have at 7777: 0600. PAL says AND I P07600, where P is a pointer to 7600 (600 at current page starting at 7600, so 7600 itself (or the value there?)).
The ROM pairs 5-1, 6-2,… has the same values as in 7-3, 8-4, but just at other addresses. So that is also plausible.
I’ve been clearing out some of my brothers ancient tech, and came across this, which I think is an Intercept I? It seems to power up OK (despite having suffered cosmeticaly in storage), but beyond that I have no idea what to do with it!
That’s awesome! Very well done indeed! I shall definately be selling the Intercept unit- but I’ve no clue as to the best place to offer it or any idea of it’s value. Ebay seems a logical option, but it’s possible that this item is just a bit too ‘niche’ to attract interest.
I think there will be many interested in purchasing.
Museums like donations (or low prices). But probably you want some money.
I would try ebay. There are some options for a start price. Including hidden minimum price or first start with a higher price and later reduce. (Auctions).
I guess a collector would pay maybe 300-400 EUR or even much more. (Not me).
Depending on your location (UK? US?) the shipping and other fees might be very high for some.
Ebay also have some cons (like high buyers protection). Especially when selling outside your country.
You can also ask how much someone is willing to pay.