Z80 FPGA Project

After some more macro pre-processing, I now have a version of zexdoc that my assembler is happy with, so now I can try to narrow down the daa issue.


Curious what you find out. I looked at that thing, and boy, is it opaque.

Hi Will

Here is an example of a test descriptor with macros:

;  hl, (38,912 cycles)
adc16:  db      0c7h            ; flag mask
        tstr    <0edh,042h>,0832ch,04f88h,0f22bh,0b339h,07e1fh,01563h,0d3h,089h,0465eh
        tstr    <0,038h>,0,0,0,0f821h,0,0,0,0,0         ; (1024 cycles)
        tstr    0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1,0d7h,0,-1              ; (38 cycles)
        db      0f8h,0b4h,0eah,0a9h                     ; expected crc
        tmsg    ' hl,'

and here is the a test descriptor with macros expanded:

;  hl, (38,912 cycles)
adc16:     db   0c7h                 ; flag mask
           db   0edh,042h,0,0
           dw   0832ch,04f88h,0f22bh,0b339h,07e1fh,01563h
           db   0d3h
           db   089h
           dw   0465eh
           db   0,038h,0,0           ; (1024 cycles)
           dw   0,0,0,0f821h,0,0
           db   0
           db   0
           dw   0
           db   0,0,0,0              ; (38 cycles)
           dw   0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
           db   0d7h
           db   0
           dw   -1
           db   0f8h,0b4h,0eah,0a9h  ; expected crc
           db   ' hl,'
           db   '....$'

Yea, thanks, I appreciate that, but I didnā€™t see (and I didnā€™t study it in any detail for any length of time) a basic theory of operations. It seems that it takes each group of instructions and somehow iterates through several generations of them, and then CRCs the results they generate. But itā€™s not clear to me how the environment is manifest for each instruction thatā€™s being iterated against.

Hi Will,

There is some info here that I found useful:

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I modified zexdoc to split out the <daa,cpl,scf, and ccf> test into 4 separate tests and I then discovered that daa was not the problem after all. The problem was with the ccf instruction which has a very weird flag side effect. In addition to complementing the C flag, the H flag is set to the old C flag value. After making this change to the Verilog, all of the zexdoc tests are now passing. WooHoo !!


I guess that explains why itā€™s in the same test group as DAA! Very interesting conclusion, thanks for bringing us along.