Write-up: "Spacewar 1 and the Beginnings of Video Game Aesthetics"

704 is what I remembered as well, but before posting I decided to check and found some pages claiming 701 so I wrote that instead. I think the main difference between them was indexing hardware introduced in the 704.

Regarding systems on the PDP-1, there was JOSS, as well.

Compare David Walden, who provides the following timeline for languages on the PDP-1 at BBN (starting with JOSS for the PDP-1 in 1960):

[1] Walden, David and Nickerson, Raymond (ed), A Culture of Innovation – Insider Accounts of Computing and Life at BBN; Waterside Publishing, East Sandwich, MA; 2011; p. 83

And there was, of course, also DECAL as an interactive system.

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