UMES resurrected (sort of)

There was an article on this forum about a year ago:

about the availability on-line of documentation for the University of Michigan
Executive System (UMES), that ran on the IBM 7090 in the early 60s.

It turns out that the University of Maryland created a subsystem for
IBSYS called MAMOS that allowed some of the UMES languages to run
there. There’s a document describing MAMOS at:

Section 3.1-1 in the above document (p. 29 in the PDF) says:

"The 7090/7094 MAMOS Monitor System is a monitor system which operates
under IBSYS.

MAMOS has several components from the University of Michigan Executive
System for the IBM 7090 Computer (henceforth called MES). MES is one of
the most advanced monitors available for a two-channel tape system. The
main disadvantage of MES is that it would be very hard to incorporate into
the [UMES] system, the recent sub-monitors which are now available under IBSYS
[i.e. IBJOB].

MAMOS is an attempt to make available under IBSYS the most important parts
of MES; namely the very fast compiler, the assembler, the loader, and
the extensive library. The ALGOL compiler is also [available] under MAMOS. Other
translators will be added to the MAMOS system in the future."

Now, one of the tapes in the Paul R. Pierce collection of software for the
IBM 7090/7094 (7094 Release) was a mystery to Pierce
himself. Its label identifies it as having originated at the University of
Maryland Computer Science Center, College Park, Maryland; and also contains
the designation “Bamberger Density - Proj. # 016-69-118” and a date and time:
“Jun 15 1971, 7:40 PM”.

About 15 years ago (late 2000s), Richard Cornwell discovered that the single reel
actually contains two IBSYS system tapes, blocked in such a way – with record gaps
squeezed out of them – as to fit on a single reel of tape. Cornwell “decompressed”
this tape into two image files and put them on his Web site
(IBM IBSYS System Tape Images). But apparently he never actually
attempted – or at any rate never succeeded – in running this system on
his i7090 SimH-based emulator.

Recently, having come across the NASA document on MAMOS mentioned above,
the folks re-launching Rob Storey’s B7094 emulator have incorporated the
Bamberger IBSYS system, including MAMOS, into the suite of demos included in
that emulator:

You can try out MAD (the Michigan Algorithm Decoder), MADTRAN, SNOBOL,
and Illinois-ALCOR ALGOL 60. UMAP, the Michigan assembler, is also on the
tape (but not, apparently UMDAP, the disassembler). Under IBSYS itself
you can try out OMNITAB (the statistics package) and IPL-V.

So, unless anybody has a copy of UMES itself squirrelled away, this is probably
the closest you can get to that system in modern-day emulation.