Regrets: Things we had and got rid of

Do not forget to share a few images!

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I donated most of the machines that I phased out (they have been in extended use for several years) and I do not regret this. However, I tended to keep a machine of each major generation in order to be able to run some legacy applications and to access some data. (However my mirrored door drive G4, the last regular PPC Mac which could run both the classic system and OS X stopped working a few years ago, which isn’t only the single failing Mac, I had, but is also somewhat regrettable. I guess, this is probably the most crucial loss, since this machine was particularly well suited for establishing links between worlds of computer generations. Maybe, recapping may help, since the machine still starts up, but shuts down as it gets warm, just after having it made to the login prompt.)

The one machine, I did regret giving away, was my Centris 660av, mostly, because I thought it could run A/UX, which I increasingly wanted to give a try. However, when I finally managed to get it back a few months ago, it turned out that this wasn’t the case. So, after having regretted this for years, I now do not regret it at all, but am rather glad, it was still of use to someone for several years.

(PS: I’ve told this story before, but, I guess, there may be a moral to this.)

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In some cases where I gave away machines (TI99/4A) or sold them (home made Apple II clone and a Mac Plus) I was given them back many years later when people no longer wanted them.

A case I wasn’t happy at the time nor now was when I shut down my Inova company in 1988. I decided to leave all material with my ex partner, including Merlin 1, 2 and 3 prototypes, schematics and software. I knew that he would just send everything to the dumpster while I would have loved to have more than just photographs of them. But had I kept anything he could always claim that anything I did from then on (Merlin 4, for example) was based on his investment so he should share in the profit. Allowing him to keep all that stuff would make it harder for him to make such claims.


Commiserations, for the lost machines and materials, and for the end of a partnership.

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My regets were finding nice used computers for sale,
but never the software to run them with, and vis versa.