Publishers: List of Computer, Programming, Books Publishers (1950-1989)

Dear @EdS yes a catalogs of computing series, programming languages and computer books publishers would be great its for a research work on computing publishers from (1950-1989) especially those who dont exist anymore or have been taken over by the bigger publishing houses.

@EdS @elb @drogon kindly help

My ‘help’ is to let you know that If I needed such a list then I’d start by using a popular search engine or 2 and start searching for “list of computer book publishers” and so on and start to write down what the results are…


Most of them dont exist anymore, and those are what i need.

Do you have examples of what you’re looking for? I ask because a lot of the books on my shelves are published by general publishers like Prentice Hall or Addison Wesley or O’Reilly.

It feels to me that one might instead start by finding a list of authors and their books, and if one really wanted a list of publishers, take it from that list of books.

I think you might also get more help here if you share links to and your thoughts on some of your favourite books.

Here, for example, a classic and a favourite of mine

Read it online here at the Internet Archive. (You’ll find that this book has been published both by Pitman and by Wiley.)

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I pulled a few books from my shelf.

Fundamentals of Computer Science Andrew John Theodore Colin, published by Macmillan, 1980, in “Macmillan Computer Science Series”
Fundamentals of Operating Systems (Computer Science Series) by A.M. Lister, R.D. Eager also Macmillan in same series, also published by Springer
Computers from Logic to Architecture (originally 1985) by Dowsing and Woodhams published by Chapman & Hall.
ARM Assembly Language programming by Peter Cockerell published by M.T.C.
Beginners Guide to Microprocessors and Computing by E F Scott, published by Bernard Babani. (I have others by the same publisher, such as A Practical Introduction to Microprocessors by Penfold)
Programming ALGOL by Malcolme-Lawes (1969) published by Pergamon Press
Compiling Techniques by Hopgood published by Macdonald/Elsevier in Computer Monographs series
Girls and Computers edited by Hoyles, published by Institute of Education, University of London
Illustrating Computers by Day and Alcock published by Pan Books and Heinemann
Computer Architecture by Caxton Foster published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Company

Not to forget Rodnay Zaks’ own publishing company, of course: Sybex.

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@EdS Thanks @drogon Thanks for the replies, old and forgotten companies like Van Nostrand Reinhold Company are what i seek e.g Prentice Hall publishers of computing books, Pergamon Press etc you cant find much information on them as they have either been bought over by the big publishers like pearson etc, or dont exist anymore,

Osborne Books, perhaps?

@rwiker already captured thanks but this kind of publishers are what am referring to

I begin to see what you’re looking for… two more from my shelves
Archimedes Assembly Language by Mike Ginns, published by DABS Press
(That’s a link to the CCH Museum - you’ll find many books and probably many publishers if you go looking there.)
The BBC Micro Revealed by Jeremy Ruston, published by Interface
(That’s also a link to a site which catalogues books. I think the microcomputer era will be fruitful: there are sites with collections of C64 books, I’m sure, and probably also for Atari, for Apple II, and for TRS-80. For your purposes, it doesn’t matter if there are full scans or only catalogue entries.)

Edit: also from my bookshelves, I see Scelbi, Granada, and Century Communications.

“Data Becker” was a German publisher of popular Commodore-related manuals (e.g., “64 intern”, 1983). (Data Becker was a publisher of both software and manuals.)

HBJ (Hartcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta) comes to mind. E.g., An Introduction to Computer Data Processing by Magaret Wu (1975).

The PET Revealed by Nick Hampshire, 1980, Computabits Ltd, Yeovil, Somerset, England.


I’d recommend searching this collection too

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Quite often tech books used to carry lists of related books somewhere, like in their frontmatter or backmatter. I will take a look at my bookshelf.

I don’t seem to the have that many “rare” publishers, 95% are the usual suspects: Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall, McGraw-Hill, Wiley, Princeton, MIT.

Some of the less common ones I found were Byte Books, Digital Press, W. H. Freeman and Company, REA (Research and Education).

What I meant by front/backmatter lists was this:


Usborne, who I think specializes in children’s books, had a series of computing books in the 80s:


Also make a note of what edition it is. For historic purposes one might want say the
1st edition rather than the latest. Some books also include software, so any links
to media could be useful. Apendex A contains a PL/I list of said program…
A compiler generator - uses the XPL system

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There are some book shopping sites (I don’t know if I should name it) where you can search for genres and reduce the results to specific years. You can also search for publishers (if you know them) and display all titles. Some countries also have databases and you can even display the TOC of some books. Also of interest library databases OPAC or worldcat. Some libraries are specialized in technology (universities). I can only speak for Germany.

Most companies were taken over by Springer and Elsevier and the like.

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Thanks Noting them right away

Thanks taking notes awesomeness

@oldben Appreciate you sir

Thank man love it @mainframetom