Newly Type-Set C64 Guides for Self-Print

Are you plagued by pages torn loose from the spiral-bound Commodore 64 User’s Guide? Have you lost yours? Never had one in the first place? Do not despair, help is near:

Blogger “Pickled Light” has generated newly type-set versions of the Commodore 64 User’s Guide and of the Commodore 64 Programmer’s Reference Guide, along with instructions for how to self-print them.

But wait, there’s more, namely a newly set PDF copy of the MCS6500 Microcomputer Family Programming Manual, the versatile documentation no true adept of the MOS 6502 MPU should lightheartedly dismiss, also found at the “Pickled Light” blog:

All three guides/manuals are regularly updated and corrected for any errors as they are reported.

(Also, if photography is one of your hobbies, there are plenty of articles on this, as well. This actually represents the major part of the site, as may be inferred from the blog’s name.)