Kill The Bit - 1975 reflex video game without screen Altair 8800 , PDP-8, HP2116B, C64

Searching for the Intersil Intercept I, I first found the Intercept Jr. on a German Retro site.
Then I found there this game. Full source and video for PDP-8, also for HP2116B.
The full octal code for Altair is:

000: 041 000 000 026 200 001 016 000
010: 032 032 032 032 011 322 010 000
020: 333 377 252 017 127 303 010 000
Another video on original hardware

Object: Kill the rotating bit. If you miss the lit bit, another bit turns on leaving two bits to destroy. Quickly toggle the switch, don’t leave the switch in the up position. Before starting, make sure all the switches are in the down position.

There’s also a 2016 game for the C64 (maybe also a good task for other home computers or screen-less boards)


Very nice and very minimal! I see some comments on the video to the effect that at least one simulator isn’t accurate enough to play the game. (I wonder if the PiDP-8 can play the port of it - it’s based on SIMH and is not, I think, cycle-accurate. However, there’s been traffic on the mailing list about a more accurate version, so perhaps if and when that works, it’ll be able to play. If it can’t already.)

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Interesting. I wasn’t aware of that.
But there are very few emulators (PDP-8) with GUI and panel anyway.

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Interesting … My PiDP8 system is cycle accurate and not based on SIMH whatsoever, so maybe I’ll have a look at some point…

A good example of a great bit of fun you have have in just a few bytes/word of code!



I have a plan to one day publish my own PDP-8 emulator. It’s cycle accurate when run on a Pi (Zero or 1) not so when run under a generic Unix/Linux system (although it could be with some minimal effort). In the PiDP-8 hardware it has a reasonable “incandescent light show” where it fades the LEDs somewhat to emulate the old filament lamps, but on any system it can also use a curses based panel display - shown below:


The sources will need some tidying up before I publish them, but note that I’m no-longer a fan of open source due to previous issues regarding publishing stuff that way, so who knows.



The initial LXI H,0 isn’t necessary. Would save 3 bytes to toggle in. More time for gaming.