What Obscure/Failed System(s) would you like to see get the Aquarius+ treatment?

I think the next version could be a emulated serial drum machine.

I still love my psion Series 5mx, but I have to agree - the Series 3(a/c/mx) remains the best handheld ever made; the EPOC16 user interface was marvellous; OPL made them so easy to program and do cool stuff on. Even the keyboard wasn’t too bad.
I’m hoping over time to put my old stuff up on my github site, including the WardRound program I wrote for the 3a that basically saved my life as a junior doctor in the 1990s… (later became “WardFive”, then “Client_L” for the Series 5mx in one of my worst branding mistakes). I still think the 3a deserves a comeback as a consumer device companion (not replacement) for the smartphone, but that may be my nostalgia talking.

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For similar black aluminum sexiness I would like to see a re-retro make of the NeXT, but that won’t be happening for obvious reasons.