Two talks at TNMoC: Al Alcorn of Atari, and David Allen of the BBC

Join Atari’s legendary R&D chief as he discusses creating great games and a technology legend.

Alcorn - Atari employee number three - was challenged by boss Bushnell to design a computer version of Ping-Pong. Alcorn response was Pong - a game so addictive it lit the blue touchpaper on Atari’s commercial success and began to establish Atari’s status as a games legend

Al drops into The National Museum of Computing from California to talk about the rise of Atari and his journey from employee number three to leading R&D of - briefly - the world’s largest computer games company.

David Allen, editor of the BBC Computer Literacy Project in the early 1980s, discusses the TV programmes and the BBC Micro computer that were produced to educate and inform the general public about the micro computer revolution. He presents some clips from the television programmes that introduced the British public to industrial robots, BASIC programming and computer hacking.


Is it possible to fix the title so it isn’t a click-bait about Acorn Computers please?

Done - a Freudian slip…