If you look at Figure 4 of the z80 datasheet, you’ll see two interrupt mode flip-flops named IMFa and IMFb. Then this table is how to figure out what interrupt mode the z80 is in:
0 0 Interrupt Mode 0
0 1 Not used
1 0 Interrupt Mode 1
1 1 Interrupt Mode 2
There is no mode 3. Why didn’t they make the state where both flip-flops are set the unused mode instead? Surely they must have had a good reason to mess up counting in binary by skipping the IMFa=0,IMFb=1 state?
If we consider the names IMFa and IMFb to be simply swapped around and try to repair the table, then that makes the position of mode 1 make more sense when counting in binary, but not mode 2.