The APF Imagination Machine (1979)

All about The APF Imagination Machine - a 6800 based machine, a modular offering which was at minimum a 2600-like game console and at maximum a home computer with Basic. Apparently designed to compete with an offering from Atari which didn’t quite appear.

A review says that the Basic offers 12 digit integer arithmetic but lacks square roots and logarithms.

Here’s the machine’s own demo:

as mentioned previously in
Strange Computers of the 70’s

Found in a list of machines which used the limited 6847 video chip.


I feel like that demo would have benefited substantially from some sound design – the machine is clearly capable of better design than those routine sound effects, a few of the individual segments do better.

It’s also interesting how much better some of the animations (e.g., the scrolling “The Imagination Machine” at about 12 seconds) are than others (e.g., filling in the keyboard at about 26 seconds, or the musical staff at about 41 seconds). I wonder if maybe the demo is mixed BASIC and native code, or some similar tradeoff?

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