The “Terms of Service” page seems incomplete. Placeholder tokens like “company_domain”, “company_full_name”, and “company_short_name” make it very unclear who is holding us to this agreement.
Quite so, let me get on that. In broad terms, it’s a personal project with no legal entity holding it. But I do need to say more, about where we came from, who does what, and so on.
It has taken a long time, but we (your admin and your mods) have finally updated the legalese in the Terms of Service. It is still rather heavy for my preference, so for a humane angle I recommend the Community Guidelines.
This forum is in essence my personal project - there is no legal entity owning or running it - and I’ve tried to reflect that. As it’s my project, I may have legal responsibilities for how I act, especially on flagged content. Everyone who posts content here may also have legal responsibilities, which the ToS should make clear. But our normal conversations don’t stray into violence, incitement, pornography, defamation, so there’s nothing unexpected or unusual about that.
Everyone: if you see objectionable content here, please flag it (there’s a flag icon) and/or contact the mods or myself. We will make a judgement, and may modify or remove content or accounts accordingly. The most common case is of course spam. We very rarely need to act on anything else. Objectionable content includes harassment, bullying, threats, deception. Which we hope never to have to deal with.
Many thanks for keeping it going, Ed.