RTM/Z80 - Retro Tiny Multitasking system for Z80

RTM/Z80 is a multitasking kernel, built for Z80 based computers, written in Z80 assembly language, providing its users with an Application Programming Interface (API) accessible from programs written in the C language and the Z80 assembly language.
It is intended to be a simple and easy to use learning tool, for those who want to understand the tips and tricks of the multitasking software systems.
RTM/Z80 is a “low profile” multitasking system; it is written entirely in Z80 assembler language and uses as a building platform the vintage HiTech Z80 software, which may be run on a “real” Z80 computer or on a Z80 “simulator”. However, you can use also the C language and “mix” C code with Z80 assembly code when writing RTM/Z80 applications.
I just published on GitHub ( GitHub - Laci1953/RTM-Z80: Retro Tiny Multitasking system for Z80 based computers ) my RTM/Z80 project.
I finished the testing on Z80SIM and RC2014 (SC108 and Memory Module).
I’m waiting for your opinions and suggestions!


Welcome - an interesting project!

(I’m trying to build z80sim on my macbook so I can give this a go, but I see there are Windows downloads available:
Z80pack - Zilog Z80 and Intel 8080 Emulator and Crossassembler for UNIX and…

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Hi Ed,

you will need to install an Unix-like system on Windows (I used Cygwin) and install there the Z80pack.

For Mac, I do not know…


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I think I got somewhere:

ed$ ../z80sim 

#######  #####    ###            #####    ###   #     #
     #  #     #  #   #          #     #    #    ##   ##
    #   #     # #     #         #          #    # # # #
   #     #####  #     #  #####   #####     #    #  #  #
  #     #     # #     #               #    #    #     #
 #      #     #  #   #          #     #    #    #     #
#######  #####    ###            #####    ###   #     #

Release 1.37, Copyright (C) 1987-2021 by Udo Munk

CPU speed is unlimited, CPU executes undocumented instructions
>>> ?
r filename[,address]      read object into memory
d [address]               dump memory
l [address]               list memory
m [address]               modify memory
f address,count,value     fill memory
v from,to,count           move memory
p address                 show/modify port
g [address]               run program
t [count]                 trace program
return                    single step program
x [register]              show/modify register
x f<flag>                 modify flag
b[no] address[,pass]      set soft breakpoint
b                         show soft breakpoints
b[no] c                   clear soft breakpoint
h [address]               show history
h c                       clear history
z start,stop              set trigger adr for t-state count
z                         show t-state count
c                         measure clock frequency
s                         show settings
! command                 execute UNIX command
q                         quit

I’ll be busy for a couple of days, but perhaps this is a start. I realise this is just getting together the substrate on which to run your RTM.



yes, you are on the right track…

However, you must add on top of Z80SIM the CPMSIM pack; to start-it, see below:

ladis@DESKTOP-8BT3O9R ~
$ ls
z80pack-1.36 z80pack-1.36.tgz

ladis@DESKTOP-8BT3O9R ~
$ cd z80pack-1.36

ladis@DESKTOP-8BT3O9R ~/z80pack-1…36
$ cd cpmsim

ladis@DESKTOP-8BT3O9R ~/z80pack-1.36/cpmsim
$ ./cpm2

####### ##### ### ##### ### # #
# # # # # # # # ## ##
# # # # # # # # # # #

##### # # ##### ##### # # #

# # # # # # #

# # # # # # # #

####### ##### ### ##### ### # #

Release 1.36, Copyright (C) 1987-2017 by Udo Munk

CPU speed is unlimited


64K CP/M Vers. 2.2 (Z80 CBIOS V1.2 for Z80SIM, Copyright 1988-2007 by Udo Munk)


I managed to put all my tools & source files on the 4MB disk; I’ve used J> , but also I> is an option.

You may find the HiTech tools at: Z80pack - Zilog Z80 and Intel 8080 Emulator and Crossassembler for UNIX and Windows , just search ‘Hitech’ on this page and download the disk.


Hi EdS,

here is a little movie showing the demo in action:



Nice, thanks! As you might guess, I haven’t quite got back to picking up the thread of what I was doing…