PSION 8088 laptops - MC line

Thanks, I’ll try that.

Someone also sent me a link to this -

Which is basically rubbing with a cotton bud, I wonder if the friction causes enough localised heat to do a similar thing? I tried rubbing my screen with a cotton bud but it only seems to have redistributed the splodges, not got rid of them.

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after a 90 min session at 85C, then a 90 min session at 95C:

All that seems to have happened so far is the blotches have coalesced :thinking:

I baked the whole assembly - there are 8 x 3.3uF 50V electrolytics on the PCB - if the baking fixes the screen they’ll definitely need replacing.

Hmm. I wouldn’t go any hotter, but it might be worth one or two more cycles? Comparing photos will tell you whether it’s making progress in the right direction.

two more 90 min cycles at ~85C

not much change…

Is it a bit smaller? It looks like it might be…

I’d say so, as well. But not as much that it would be really encouraging…


Last week I was on a work trip in Central London and couldn’t resist visiting Psion’s old London HQ…

Some updates on the emulation effort:


Digging up this monster thread…

…with the news that finally the MC400 is emulated in the 0.273 release of MAME - 8)

All credit to @Pernod


Time to finally install the MAME!