Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages - Volume 4, Issue HOPL June 2020

Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages - Volume 4, Issue HOPL June 2020

History of programming languages, all articles open access.

APL since 1978
Thriving in a crowded and changing world: C++ 2006–2020
A history of Clojure
History of coarrays and SPMD parallelism in Fortran
Origins of the D programming language
Evolution of Emacs Lisp
The early history of F#
A history of the Groovy programming language
JavaScript: the first 20 years
History of Logo
Hygienic macro technology
A history of MATLAB
The origins of Objective-C at PPI/Stepstone and its evolution at NeXT
A history of the Oz multiparadigm language
S, R, and data science
The evolution of Smalltalk: from Smalltalk-72 through Squeak
The history of Standard ML
Verilog HDL and its ancestors and descendants

2 posts were split to a new topic: Influence of BYTE’s Smalltalk issue

Just to note: all these papers are open-access only until June 30th - that’s tomorrow (for me, now.)

All of the papers in this proceedings are open again (as of July 11, 2020 — I’m not sure when they opened back up).