Mention here Shelfies: bookshelves with a retrocomputing angle - #15 by rlauzon of pocket computers with some “shelfie” images, so thought I’d share a few I have here:
The Sharp PC1211 was well-used by me in the early 80’s - more for fun, but I did have a few programs in it - along with the cassette adapter (now lost, sadly). Very limited, slow, 1500 bytes (count them!) of RAM but fun. The one I had back then was the Tandy TRS80 pocket computer which was more or less a re-badged version of the PC1211 - and I subsequently got an original 1211 recently, although the display is suffering slighty…
The other one was the big brother - the PC1500 - more RAM, a bit faster and a colour plotter! (Which I have, but need pens for - which I know are still being made today)
There were many others in that era too - programmable calculators (I have a Casio fx501p) then little address-book computers in the days before smart phones. It all seemed quite novel back then…