Online Museum - DIDACT09, 70, Goupil, SCALP, EMR, EXORSET

Searching for a French 1975 PLC (April/Merlin Gerin PB15 with 8031 CPU), I found this French Online museum about SBC, PLC and computers.

Unfortunately only basic info and tiny photos. But some I haven’t found elsewhere.

The PLC can be programmed by a Motorola EXORSET 100. He also has a 30. Both not that rare.

Pictured is a DIDCAT09 by ISTI MENTOR SCIENCES ~1980 (6809). He also has a DIDACT70 and 3 other SBC, one for a PC. Pret is French for ready. I have to search for that company. I haven’t found any other photos.

Other SBC are SCALP (Elektor), EMR, Micronix, Iut Cachan (68000) and others, mainly popular ones.

As computer he has a Goupil 3 (1983) and Golf (286). First one could be equipped with either 6809, Z80 or 8088. CP/M, DOS.