"observing the eclipse with one or two 8-bit micros"

There’s a partial solar eclipse coming up - partial in the UK anyway - which should be detectable using a light-dependent resistor and a handy 8 bit micro.

See Peter Mount’s posts here:

I might even try observing the eclipse with one or two 8-bit micros.

The circuit using an LDR is simple, an Usborne book from 1985 covers this.

You can download Experiments for your Computer from

I remember doing this back in the 80’s so could be a fun exercise :wink:


But remember you needed this guy, to know when and where it is. :slight_smile:
The orginal computer, (druid powered).

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When you rearrange the stones, it even predicts future eclipses! :slight_smile:
(Plug-board programming the hard way.)

And lets not mention daylight savings, eh?

(Yes, I know, that’s Avebury, but on an island with 1000s of henges, circles and so on, it’s hard to keep track…)



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I did this (also measuring temperature and humidity) with my son for the 2017 US eclipse. We visited a friend who lived in the zone of totality and ran the arduino spitting data to a logging computer and could even see in the data when thin cirrus clouds passed across the partially-obscured sun. :relaxed:

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