Johnson Controls Metasys DX-9100

I found on ebay 2 rare suitcases with some displays and dials.
The PLC controller itself is inside the case on left next to 3 expansion modules. I haven’t found any other info or photos on the web about the suitcases or panels. Not even on manuals or a brochure of the Metasys family. One is from 1998 (Version 2). Programming in DOS/Win95.

Either this is a programming or demonstration/education device. Or Version 1.
Would be interesting for other projects or art projects.

did u try and ask over on possible someone there has manuals for that

Yes, thanks. There are several PLC forums.
I’m not registered to any of them.
I’m currently too busy and it’s not that important.
I searched for it then and I doubt that someone have it.
Maybe someone have it and sell it (with the hardware).