Explore a deluxe home vintage computer den

In a world where millions of people carry a 1990s-grade supercomputer in their pockets, it’s fun to revisit tech from a time when a 1 megahertz machine on a desktop represented a significant leap forward. Recently, a collector named Brian Green showed off his vintage computer collection on Twitter, and we thought it would be fun to ask him about why and how he set up his at-home computer lab.
Today, Green’s vintage computer collection spans a wide range of machines, with the rarest one being a Commodore B128-80 from 1982. As part of the failed Commodore B Series of computers, the model barely made it out of the door before the plug was pulled, according to Green. “Of the B-Series, this one is the most common, with about 10,000 made,” says Green. “Whereas other models had as few as just a few hundred.”

We asked him which computer was the hardest to track down, and he pointed to the ill-fated Apple III, which Apple launched in 1980 as a business-capable follow-up of its more famous prequel: “I probably hunted for an Apple III the longest. Most computers are obtainable if you’re willing to spend the money on eBay, but that’s not as fun as picking something up at a show or a flea market. I found a working Apple III at the last Vintage Computer Festival Midwest for a good price and have it displayed proudly.”