A lego version of a Connection Machine


A real CM-2

Great combination of a classic industrial design and Lego modelling skills!

I had some links about the CM-2 which I shared not too long ago over on diaspora (and bringing my posts from there over here, bit by bit, might not be a bad idea:

More images of the CM-2 can be seen on MOMA’s site about the CM-2 exhibit, which is a real chassis and real LEDs but no supercomputer within.

Here’s a video looking at the CM-2 external design at MOMA.

Here’s a nice close look at one of the many identical CPU boards - with 8 daughter boards, each with 64 CPUs and 2 FPUs:

Closeup of circuit board with some large chips on it, some with gold tops

And more detail on this site about the CM-2:

a theoretical maximum configuration would consist of 65536 1-bit CPUs(!). The advance on previous models was the provision of one #Weitek floating-point unit for every 32 1-bit CPUs, and an increase in memory capacity. This machine is equipped with 16,384 CPUs.

via this thread on mastodon

And @wazoox pointed us at some more info:

Essay on Richard Feynman and The Connection Machine

and video:
TEDxCaltech - Danny Hillis - Reminiscing about Richard Feynman


Danny Hillis tells the story of his life in this long sequence of videos (each from 2 to 4 minutes long). He gets to Thinking Machines around video 100 or so.


So, I need to urgently buy some black and red Lego, I think. Same principle probably could be applied to a CM-5 as well, though.

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This looks great!

Now a PDP-10 please please please please please?


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The PiDP-10 will be great, but I would also like an adorable Lego version.

Here’s my 3D printed PDP-6, with a pirate for some reason.